DriverMax Pro
DriverMax Pro lets you download and update your drivers. In addition, the program collects information about drivers installed in the system and provides the user with a list of drivers used. This information includes driver version, date, developer, file number, etc. You can also store this information in a separate folder or ZIP file.
DriverMax can install all drivers within 5 minutes after rebooting Windows and you will no longer need to have different drivers. This program automatically downloads the latest driver updates for your computer without the need to search for any driver, and you don’t even need to install them from a CD. Just sign up for your free membership and start updating your drivers.
DriverMax software features:
– Provides complete details of the drivers installed, their version, release date, etc.
– Create a detailed drivers report
– Backup all installed drivers
– Ability to update new drivers and search for new versions
DriverMax Pro + Patch
Type this as text as password:
The pro version can't be used
facing any problem?
should i download the two setups
choose one
The Pro version cannot be download
links fixed
When I start the download it comes as a video file
please which browser are you using?
Need 64bit
Where are the links please?
how do i patch it please?
please copy the patch file to the software folder and run it.
damage or corrupted any help
all the files i have downloaded on this site
please watch the video below on how to fix it with winrar
video link
please use firefox and idm to download…with a stable internet connection.